Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yoga Myth - Advanced Physical Prowess

...There are many myths which surround Yoga. Most of them are circulated by people who have never practiced Yoga of any kind. Yet, there are some myths about Yoga, which have been accepted as fact, by Yoga practitioners. It is difficult to shatter an "urban legend, but let's look at one of them.

"An advanced Yogi can perform amazing postures and feats of physical prowess."

While this can be true, and Hatha Yoga practice can lead to physical mastery, feats of physical prowess can be performed by young people, who never practiced any form of Yoga before. Please bear in mind that there are many forms of Yoga, which are not based upon physical exercise.

bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Karma Yoga, are primary forms of Yoga, which have advanced practitioners, who do not have to perform physical feats to be known as "advanced." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an advanced Karma Yogi, who inspired non-violent civ...more

Yoga and Your Health

...ich you can introduce yourself to the practice of Yoga. You can take a public class or conversely, you can order instructional videos and books to study at home or with friends. Likewise, you can find information online. Further, there are even some Yogic schools and you might be able to locate one in your local area.

Regardless of whether or not you decide to take classes or if you decide to learn Yoga on your own, you should always pay a visit to your physician for a full checkup before you engage in any new exercise regimen. Also, you must bear in mind that when you start to practice Yoga you should do so slowly. It serves no one if you strain a muscle when you over exercise and you can incur serious and permanent injury if you are not careful.<...more

Yoga And Its Importance

...piness and peace comes from within. It depends on your thinking and also on your body. Your body's health and your mind are directly related. Only if you have a healthy body will you be free from any physical pain, and your mind will not be disturbed. Without good health you cannot be completely at peace. In yoga various types of meditation are taught, and you are made to concentrate on your inner self. It helps to focus on positive thinking and push all the negative thoughts away. Every disease and sickness is considered nothing more than an imbalance in the natural harmony of the body and mind. Restoring this balance leads to true healing.

Yoga has become very popular worldwide. People are seeking for it, as they realize the importance of self-contentment and inner peace. Be it work pressure or health problems, yoga can h...more


...ate permanently. When you find that deep heart space with your lover, the flow of sexual energy opens you both to a new dimension where the joining of energy and consciousness becomes a microcosm of the Divine Union.

A loving relationship, blissfulness, peace of mind, self-confidence, the ability to focus, being grounded, creativity, health, creating and manifesting the kind of life you want to live become your experience once you have had a glimpse of who you really are. When you have tasted the fruits of this work, your life will never be the same.

For more information:


Kram Dvd Yoga