Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What Is A Skype WiFi Phone?

With the rapid advancement in the field of networking and communication, now it is possible to have voice conversation with other people through internet. The device used in voice conversation over internet is called voip (Voice over Internet Protocol) which is the routing of voice conversation over IP enabled network. With the demand of wireless network on the rise it is now possible to design a kind of a mobile phone which can be used to communicate between two nodes using the same wireless network. Skype phone is a cellular phone used in the context of wi-fi network, which is used to make free call to other users provided he also uses Skype device. Though the Skype uses Wi-fi network to communicate with other Skype devices, it is not possible to enable this device in any wi-fi enabled spot. These spots must be secured with standards such as WEP or wpa.

There are immense benefits one can draw by using the Skype phone devices.

The most obvious advantage of using Skype is the cost of the call made. Skype is able to deliver a 100 percent free of charge phone calls to other Skype devices.The only cost, which the user has to tolerate, is the cost of buying the Skype device.

Another major advantage of Skype is the mobility. Since it uses wireless wi-fi system, it is possible to take the device anywhere within the radius of the network and continue the conversation with other user. Hence it also acts like a mobile phone with the capability of taking the device anywhere without interrupting the voice conversation.

Hence with wi-fi network getting more and more famous these days, the wireless connections are getting spread to more and more areas. With these advances in the field of wireless connection the prospect of Skype is also increasing. Nowadays Skype provide better voice transmission capability through shared wireless network and these days are provided with USB(universal serial bus) charging device so that the phone can recharged by laptops and other PCs. Since this device is based on wifi, like laptops when these devices are switched on they automatically search for any other connection available in the network. These devices have a simple interface having the features like contact list, call history, voicemail, changing your status, adding a contact, searching for a contact, and looking at how much Skype credit you have etc. These devices are definitely much cheaper than using the mobile phones available in the market.Though it may not entirely phase out the mobile phones but it would surely bring in some innovation to the field of communication.

You can also find more info on Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Phone. Topwifireviews.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Wi-Fi Wireless Network technology.

Yoga Zone Manhattan

Marriage Of The Diamond And The Lotus

As through the marriage of male and female a son is born so as through the unity of vajra and lotus clear light is born. This is said to be the secret path of Aryans secretly practiced by both the paramita path as well as by tantra path. According to Tantras of highest wisdom both are of the nature of calming and discerning (padma is calming and vajra is discerning) through which a yogi achieves the ultimate object. Both are of the nature of bliss and void (lotus is void and vajra is bliss). Equipoise of these two is real yoga; Hevajra Tantra says that this yoga of union leads one to the state of Tathata (isness). One through the union of vajra and lotus attains highest bliss and becomes Tathagata who knows how to depart from this world perfectly and how to return in this world perfectly for the resurrection of the deluded beings.

Only he knows the lady Prajnaparamita, only he is capable in engaging in union with her. Regarding the nature of vajra and lotus chandra Kirti says, The Bhaga is the supreme truth, about Linga it is said that, it lies therein of which intended meaning is this that Bhaga is Prajnaparamita, of which only Buddhas vajra (supreme intelligence) penetrates or in which only Buddhas vajra can eligible to dwell.

In Buddhist tantras vajra and lotus (prajna and upaya) has varied meanings, Guhyasamaja Tantra says: thought (chitta), thought derivative (chaitasikas) and nescience (avidya) are called respectively insight (prajna), while culmination, as well as void (sunya), further void (ati sunya), and great void (maha sunya) is means (upaya). Unifying these two one achieves the clear light, the inner revelation of the ultimate truth. Prajna and upaya is also termed by word vajra-yosid, when vajra dwells in the space of yosid with a mudra and recollects the svadhisthana, one enjoys great bliss.

The unity of vajra and lotus is also known in tantras by yogic term ha-tha in which ha is sun energy and tha is moon energy constantly coming in and going out through the two nadis ida and pingala. Unifying these two at the novel center brings great pleasure says yogis. It is said that hatha is the best wish granting jewel; it grants every thing desired, and seizing by force enacts even the success of the Buddha. In Hindu puranas the churning of the great ocean with the mount meru is symbolic of unity of vajra and lotus, by this churning came out various gems together with goddess of fortune Laxmi and amrita (the elixir of immortality).

The great Buddhist conception of reality taught in the heart sutra that form is emptiness, emptiness is form; emptiness is not other than form; form is not other than emptiness is ideal for both the sutra path as well as mantra path. In Buddhist tantras the ritual mantra om svabhava suddhah sarvadharmah svabhava suddho ham is nothing other than this, as it is clearly explained in vajrabhairava tantra of Yamantaka texts. One recollects the view of emptiness through the meaning of the mantra; one thinks that outer offerings as well as inner offerings lack svabhava (natural existence). Even he thinks that the mind which understands emptiness lacks true existence itself. Tantra says that in this way of thinking one perfectly sees that all things which he would generate in the sadhana is mere a play of bliss and emptiness. This understanding of reality is perfectly realized only after secret consecration in the Bhaga mandala in which secret essence of the all the Buddhas abides. In the section dwelling in the womb of the vajra lady I did shed some light on the mantrik aspect of syllable e-vam of Buddhist tantras at some length.

There I explained the unity of the e-vam as most secret, for the unity of these two syllables is what is said as great bliss. It is like unity of Linga and Yoni, as from the movement of the union of Linga and Yoni, in different junctures different kinds of bliss is experienced; so as in the different juncture of mantra recitation different kind of bliss is experienced. Hevajra tantra describes five kinds of bliss in the union of vajra and lotus -from the contact of male and female sexual organs there is the experience of hardness. The nature of hardness is Vairochana whose nature is delusion. The semen is water element because water flows; it is lord Aksobhya whose nature is wrath. From the friction of two sex organs fire arises it said to be Amitabha whose nature is passion. The semen which is placed within the female organ is of the nature of movement there arises air hence Amoghasiddhai who is of the nature of wrath.

The pleasure of passion than becomes than impassioned characteristic of which is space thus Pisunavajra arises whose nature is envy. The great consciousness which is in fact one in all the five stages of sexual experience, exists in five forms and is of the nature of five families, from it arises host of divinities.

These five kinds of joys are experienced in the sexual union because it is of the nature of creation, in the union they manifest simultaneously one by one creating joy. While in yoga of dissolution i.e. in laya yoga through dissolution of these five aggregates (five elements in Hindu tantra four in Buddhist tantras) also joy is generated. And through various stages of dissolution; finally one experiences ultimate bliss of emptiness. Abut which it is said that it comes after the joy of cessation.

>>>> from my upcoming book 'Buddhist tantra yoga'

Author is an art critic and writer of three books ' contemporizing Buddha', ' Hindu Tantra Yoga' and 'Concerning The spiritual In Art-an Indian modern art perspective'. He has been awarded with 'Lalit kala Academy Scholarship Award' for art criticism in 2005. Currently working on a book 'Buddhist tantra yoga'. He lives and works in Delhi india.

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Dont Seek Anti-Depressant Drugs For Depression Help - Self Treat Naturally Instead

If youre taking anti-depressant medication, its quite possible you dont need it. If you want safe depression help, self treating using natural methods is the best option, especially where general depression exists.

Recent stats show that the most commonly prescribed drugs in the U.S. today are anti-depressants, more than high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, or headache medications. Often, its not necessary, except in certain extreme cases.

The Centre for Disease Control conducted the study which revealed that in 2005, 118 million prescriptions were for antidepressants. One reason for this is that doctors dont have the time to counsel people suffering from depression.

Its quicker to prescribe something to ease their suffering. In many cases, the patients simply ask for the lastest depression treatment they saw advertised, hoping for fast relief.

The problem is that there is a huge list of potential side effects related to anti-depressant drugs, depending on the specific drug. Heres the incredible list, taken from http://www.depression.realage.com:

  • dry mouth
  • drowsiness
  • dizziness
  • constipation
  • nervousness
  • increased perspiration
  • nausea
  • weakness
  • weight gain (Remeron)
  • weight loss/decreased appetite (Effexor and Effexor XR)
  • increased cholesterol
  • risk of seizure
  • withdrawal symptoms when drug stopped
  • fatigue
  • anxiety
  • sleep problems
  • vomiting
  • tremors
  • muscle twitching
  • confusion
  • memory problems
  • sexual dysfunction
  • dangerously high blood pressure
  • stroke
  • blurred vision
  • headache
  • heart palpitations
  • mood swings
  • nightmares
  • hair loss
  • gastrointestinal distress
  • diarrhea
  • thirst
  • restlessness
  • arrhythmia
  • possibility of toxic effects
Having taken antidepressant medications myself years ago, I recall being in a constant state of tiredness, lack of concentration, weakness and an overall listlessness. It was almost impossible to get my work done on my job. Today, Ive discovered other ways to deal with my intermittent depressive episodes, which arent nearly as bad as they were 25 years ago. Mostly, they include keeping busy, doing things I enjoy and that give me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, staying active by walking in the woods and in my neighborhood, and relaxing whenever stress gets too much.

To accommodate for dull days of winter and especially dreary days, Ive rearranged my living room so my chair is beside the huge picture window which allows the sun to pour into my house.

So rather than seeking the latest miracle drug, choose other options for depression help. Self treatment can include:

  • exercise
  • light therapy or phototherapy (for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) only)
  • massage therapy
  • relaxation
  • dietary improvements
  • increased B-Vitamin intake
Lets take two of these: exercise and Relaxation. exercise exercise is a natural mood enhancer. It is very effective for depressed and non-depressed individuals. Evidence supports the fact that exercise might be equally as effective as medications as a depression treatment. Exercises such as walking, running, bike riding, swimming, weight training and stretching are proven to be equally effective as mood enhancers.

The effectiveness of exercise on mood is believed to be both biological and psychological. It stimulates the endorphins in the brain. These are hormones that reduce pain and trigger a sense of well-being. For someone with depression, this makes exercise and physical activity a great natural depression treatment.

The side-effect of this exercise and boost in endorphins is an increased sense of self-esteem, feelings of accomplishment, and a release from daily worries and negative thinking. As well, its a way to expel built-up hostility that can exist this is hostility from feelings of inadequacy, stress, and other causes. Relaxation The goal of relaxation is to decrease physical and mental tensions. Some exercises you can try include progressive muscle relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, biofeedback, yoga, guided imagery, meditation and other techniques that involve the body and the mind.

Also, consider seeking professionals for treating depression. These include massage therapists, shiatsu, therapeutic touch and hypnosis experts. My favorites are guided imagery, biofeedback and music relaxation.

now, I havent seen music relaxation suggested anywhere. Its a technique I came across on my very own that proved to be the absolute best method to ease tensions and put me in that euphoric state that overtakes any depression. Heres how it works.

I happen to absolutely love Hawaiian music, especially the instrumentals. As a teen, I was listening to island music while my friends were ogling over Pat Boone and Elvis Presley.

When my depression hit in the 70s, I turned on my favorite album and lay on the floor in front of the hi-fi my head between the two speakers. Then I closed my eyes and added imagery.

I imagined myself dumping all my troubles into a huge urn on the beach, laying out my beautifully colored blanket and lying down in the warm sun. The sweet smelling breeze drifting over me. As the music played I envisioned birds flying in the blue sky overhead.

Suddenly, my blanket began to rise off the sand. Just off shore there was a tropical island, filled with birds of every color. My blanket circled the island, allowing me to enjoy the sounds of the forest, along with the music. The blanket then drifted back to shore and onto the sand.

This is my magical self treatment for depression and just to relax and escape, without the stress of train, bus or plane travel.

Find your own magic and youll discover that you can eliminate your depression as I did.

Biofeedback is another method I highly recommend. It involves putting electrodes onto your fingers while you watch a video. The goal is to use your mind to control your tension relax your muscles and see the results on screen. The better you get at this, the more relaxed you'll be.

If you want to try biofeedback, Wild Divine is a computer program that is hosted by one of the meditation gurus of all time, Depak Chopra.

Read my review of Wild Divine

Sylvia Dickens is an award-winning journalist who has struggled and overcome depression, panic and anxiety. Stop Smoking, natural Anxiety Relief, dog Training, Music Instruction (piano, guitar) and Travel ideas are some of the topics covered on her site at http://www.book-titles.ca. Visit her Fat Loss and Fitness Blog for more information on fitness and health-related topics. Get coping tips from her natural Anxiety Relief Blog.

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