Friday, December 28, 2007

Which Is The Best Meditation Technique For You?

There are many different types of meditation techniques a person now can use in order to bring themselves peace and tranquility. Certainly anyone who is already using a meditation technique has discovered the many benefits to be gained from it. However although meditation is now become extremely universal and people all around the world are using it in order to bring peace, serenity as well as a way to help heal and improve their lives there are many different techniques to be considered.

Some techniques are extremely expansive and will allow your thoughts to be able to flow freely, whilst others will need to concentrate and focus your thoughts on one particular thing. Such techniques that people are learning to use when it comes to meditation are as follows:-

  1. Transcendental meditation
  2. Guided meditation
  3. zen meditation
  4. chakra Meditation
  5. Mantra Meditation
  6. healing meditation
  7. yoga Meditation

These are part of a few of the meditation techniques that a person can now learn to use, but below we are going to be taking a close look at Mantra and Raja yoga meditation.

Mantra Meditation

This technique involves a person learning to consciously repeat certain sounds that they find appealing to their mind and which will help them to achieve a meditative state. The word mantra actually means revealed sound or a combination of sounds which are developed naturally. However it is important that you do not confuse mantra meditation with religious chanting.

Raja yoga meditation

This particular meditation technique will take the person (often referred to as a Yogi) to a much higher level of self awareness. They find that they are elevated to much higher levels of joy and bliss as their mind moves away from the pleasures associated with the body and reform any bad habits that they may have. However in order for a person to fully understand this particular technique they will need to have the right kind of guidance from an instructor trained in this method often referred to as a guru.

However as previously mentioned there are lots of different meditation techniques for a person to choose from and it is best that they learn as much about each one before they decide to use a particular one. You may well discover that it may take you several attempts to find a technique that you are truly comfortable with and which will help you to achieve your goals of becoming relaxed and happy with who you are and the life you lead.

Find out how to change your life for the better by learning how to meditate.

Cl Denver In Yoga

Belly Fat - How To Lose It And Tone Those Abs

The key to losing belly fat lies in a combination of reducing calorific intake and aerobic exercise. The importance of losing belly fat cannot be over emphasized; a slimmer waistline not only looks and feels better, but has significant health benefits too.

Research has found that waist size rather than overall body weight is a key indicator of heart disease(1). Belly fat is much more dangerous than fat around the hips. So what can we do?

Consume fewer calories than you burn off and YOU WILL lose weight. Unfortunately where you lose it from first is largely dictated by your genes. This may be disheartening, especially if the weight comes off your face or bust first and you still have that belly fat to contend with. However its unlikely that you will continue to lose fat from areas that you are satisfied with without losing it from your belly.

There is little evidence to support the theory that eating certain foods will help you lose fat. A well balance diet is essential in any weight loss program. Quick fix diets often rely on cutting out certain food groups, depriving the body of essential nutrients. A diet low in fat is certainly preferable, but, for example a no fatdiet will cause the body to store any existing fat (natural defense mechanism)making any fat loss extremely difficult. Alternatively a diet high in fat and low in carbs( fuel) such as the Atkins dietmay have serious health implications and leave you feeling exhausted. plan your meals according to your lifestyle: if you work days, make breakfast the main meal of the day. Night workers are best making their evening meal their main one. Whenever possible avoid eating a main meal 4 hours before you go to bed.

Eat wisely and incorporate healthy eating into your lifestyle; that way the weight will not only come off but more importantly, stay off.

Aerobic Exercises are great for burning fat and are therefore imperative for any weight loss program. If you prefer not to exercise alone but dont have the time, means or inclination to join a fitness class, why not organize a game of rounders/baseball or a kick-about in the local park. Your kids will love it-especially if they can beat you!

running, cycling, swimming and brisk walking are great ways to burn fat . These activities may be easier to build into your program because you can do them on your own. Be sure not to overdo things, particularly if you are grossly overweight, of advancing years or simply havent exercised for some time. Dont take any unnecessary risks-if in doubt consult your doctor.

Toning is important at all stages of your weight loss program. Toning exercises unlike aerobic exercises can be performed by those of us with a low tolerance to exercise.. Toning is site specific. leaving you firmly in control. Strengthening the abdominal muscles will help you to hold your belly in. This will automatically make you look slimmer. lose the fat and show off those well toned muscles.

Try out the following toning exercises and enjoy the instant gratification.

Stomach Crunches

Lie on your back with your feet as close as possible to your bum.

Place hands on chest and lift your shoulders off the floor whilst keeping lower back on the floor and the neck still to avoid straining. Hold for 5 seconds then relax. Gradually increase reps and length of holds.

Aim for tolerable discomfort


Great for the abdominals. Follow my simple guide to avoid putting pressure on the lower back.

Sitting on the floor with knees bent hook your toes (soles down) under a secure fixture such as a wall rail, ideally no more than 3inches high because youll need to keep your bum and heels firmly on the floor.

Clasp hands behind the back of the head and lean back keeping the back straight, until you can feel the abdominal muscles working, hold for 10 seconds then using the toes as a lever (this will put any pressure on the legs rather than the back) return to position 1.

Aim to increase repetitions and length of hold.

Leg Raises

I have found this exercise really affective over the years because it works on all the abdominal muscles from the stomach right down to the pelvic region. Be warned, its not for the feint hearted. You will need a watch that shows the seconds.

Lie flat on the floor or a hard surface, feet together with toes pointed.

Raise both legs together till you feel your heels are roughly 7 inches (18cm) off the floor - hold for 5 seconds.

From position 2 raise legs a further 7inches (18cm) so that the heels are roughly 14inches (36cm) off the floor hold for 5 seconds.

From position 3 raise the legs so that they are at right angles to the torso hold for 5 seconds (this will give some relief so best not to omit this stage).

Use the same stages as 2 and 3 above (omit stage 1) lowering the legs to 14 inches then 7inches holding for 5 seconds at each position.

Hold the left leg 7 inches from the floor whilst raising the right leg to 14 inches hold for 5 seconds. Hold the left leg at 7 inches from the floor and raise the right leg to right angles to the torso hold for 5 seconds.

Use the same stages as 6 and 7 above to lower the right leg to 14 inches then 7 inches from the floor holding for 5 seconds at each position ( at this stage both legs should be 7 inches from the floor) Repeat stages 6, 7 and 8 this time raising then lowering the left leg whilst keeping the right leg at 7 inches from the floor.

Both legs should now be 7 inches from the floor, hold this position for 20 seconds before returning both legs to the floor.

This exercise is particularly strenuous so dont be put off if you cant hold positions for the time suggested above. For each different position you will feel different muscles being worked on so try not to miss any stages out, if you find it to exhausting reduce the length of the holds instead.

plan your weight loss program so that it includes plenty of exercise and healthy eating, tailored specifically to your needs. Remember that losing a few inches off your waistline may add that vital few years to your life.

Visit http://www.oph-good-housekeeping.com for more exercise, dieting, homemaking and good housekeeping tips

Cameltoes In Yoga Positions