Friday, December 21, 2007

2 Tips To Improve Your Golf Swing In A Hurry!

So you want to improve your golf swing? It's one aspect of the game common with many golfers keen to attain a golf swing good enough to form the foundation of a consistent game.

The honest truth... most part time golfers won't do anything about improving their golf swing simply because they enjoy the outing and the social aspect of the game. But if you are reading this article, then you are certainly serious about picking up a tip or two to help develop some consistency in that swing.

Why is it so many players have difficulty maintaining a consistent swing? For new players, the ability to eliminate bad habits from their game is easy.

For more experienced golfers it's not so easy but it's doable. One tip I picked up early in my golfing career when I was having trouble with my back swing certainly transformed and helped me improve my golf swing.

In fact, this one tip not only helped me eliminate the unco-ordinated knees and falling shoulders during the process of the swing but helped me add a strong mental side to my game.

How To improve Your Golf swing

The back swing is a big problem area for many players and most of the time it can be corrected without too much fuss and effort. For some reason, the left knee is allowed to collapse on top of the right knee during the back swing process. The result:

- the shoulders tend to collapse and drop in the process and

- your hips will tend to go into a swaying motion

What's up with this? The result is always hit and miss. Sometimes you hit the ball flush and most times you don't. two things you can try:

- when about to play the swing, just imagine your left knee is drawn towards the area you intend to hit the ball and

- if this is difficult to implement, grab your favorite soccer ball or basketball and place them between your knees during practice sessions.

The first tip was handy but it was the second tip which helped this author. It's amazing but after several practice sessions using a soccer ball, every time I played a round of golf for several months after it felt like that ball was always there during the swing process.

The effect can be dramatic and worth the effort if you are serious about wanting to improve your golf swing.

Want to take your golf swing to the next level? Get these great tips and tricks guaranteed to improving your golf swing and eating up your handicap!

Meditation Yogadirectoryconway Meditation North Yoga

Taking Back your Control in Meditation for Self Development

When you have control of your abilities, you can successfully take control of your life.

If we do not have control, when your ship rolls in you will be out in the middle of the sea trying to swim your way out. When you allow the negative thoughts that appear subconsciously take over causing a lot of health and mental problems, your control is out of your hands.

Take control by meditating to improve your self-development skills. learn to think positive. This will put you in control of your life. You will feel good about you. To take control however, you must meditate by digging deep inside your mind and asking you questions.

Find your inner self by meditating to draw from your inner strengths. When we lose control, it takes over our lives. We become stress; tense, depressed, and physiological symptoms emerge, such as stomach pain, headaches, and restless sleep. The pressure causes use to lose control, which we cannot make good decisions. Start making good decision on taking control of how we feel by mediating.

Dig deep down and explore your inner being. When you find new discoveries write them down followed by creating a list of goals. Write down what you like about you, and what you do not like about you.

Take a moment and jot on paper changes you want to make to take control of your life. You will have to make many changes and this list of goals will help you to become successful.

By learning to meditate, you can alter how you feel by relieving stress and pain. Relaxation comes from mediating to help eliminate the stress that is causing you pain. Relaxation will restore your healthy sleeping patterns also. By meditating, you can alter your feelings by making changes. For instance, when you are anxious or stressed, you will learn to slow down your breathing and change the way your thinking to relieve these feeling.

meditation skills will teach you how to slow down and let relaxation take over so you can stay in control of how your feeling. By Slowing down you will be able to think more positive and concentrate on what is the problem exactly that made you feel this way. By being able to relax and use your positive thinking, you will be able to make better decisions on how to handle your life.

Stress is the main cause of many diseases. When you are feeling stressed you also make bad choices often. You can improve this behavior by developing your skills through mediation.

meditation teaches you how to gain control and manage your life to improve you self-developing skills. learn the practices of yoga.

Yoga will train you to meditate effectively.

Searching the Internet is a good way to read and learn Yoga and meditation skills. You will find free downloads as well as programs to instruct and guide you to relaxation.

Other sources include your library, bookstores, and so on. Take some time and visit your local library. Search for self-developing information, meditation, or Yoga information. You will find that the library has different CD programs that you can take home and begin your practice.

Bookstores also have books and packets on Yoga and meditation that you can purchase. You will find there is a lot of information out now to help you stay healthy.

Reading is a good way to meditate for relaxation. When you start to meditate, choose a place that is quiet and far away for distractions. Using your imagination and reading about this place will help you relax and meditate.

Take control today and learn the skills of meditation.

Enhance your Self Development skills using meditation at http://self-development-meditation.blogspot.com

Personal Trainer