Thursday, March 20, 2008

Simple Tips To Rugidize A PC For Use As A Carputer

The case mod above was preformed on a 1U rack chassis, that would later become a carputer. Rackmount chassis architecture works well for car computers despite their large size. They are built with cooling, reliability, and performance in mind. With a few modifications they can also be very robust ruggedized servers, perfect for music, GPS, DVDs, or mobile file sharing.

The number one thing to keep in mind while constructing your carputer is, the harsh environment it will face. Often addressed are the non-conditioned power the system will use and even the heat. What is overlooked by a lot of people is vibration, and shock. The same stresses that can destroy a hard drive can in time also cause a wire to rub through and short. The first line of defense against this is securing everything you can. I prefer to use duct tape in the areas where I can. care must be taken to avoid areas there it could become a short risk. zip-ties will help with any areas where duct tape is un-suitable.

The next line of defense is isolation mounts. These tiny mounts will not only dampen vibration, but also deflect shock. Often used in military application, as well as high end home audio, they are prefect for protecting your mobile electronics.

fast Booting tips A fast booting system is a must in a car computer or ruggedized workstation. In this area *nix operating systems, unix/solaris/irix/linux, have the edge. Sub 15 second boots are obtainable under those operating systems. windows while not my preferred beast, is better suited as an OS for most car computer applications. Lack of drivers, x-fi creative labs/SRX wireless/misc, make windows a smoother deployment. Keeping in mind the need for scalability, there are a few simple tricks to speed booting. Due to motherboard and chipset differences we will focus on software tweaks here. In windows a tool called bootvis can speed up your boot time in a few steps on its own. Before you do that, its a good idea to run msconfig. Make sure fastenable and nogui are enabled. Beyond that, stop any services from running at start up that you don't need. From the same utility you can also stop any programs from self launching. I was able to save 26 seconds with just those steps on an AMD 2800 system.


Yoga Cl In Manhattan


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